VLL spoke SDP configuration

The system can be a T-PE or an S-PE for a pseudowire (a spoke-SDP) supporting MPLS-TP OAM. MPLS-TP related commands are applicable to spoke-SDPs configured under all services supported by MPLS-TP pseudowires. All commands and functions that are applicable to spoke-SDPs are supported, except for those that explicitly depend on T-LDP signaling of the pseudowire, or as stated following. Likewise, all existing functions on a specified service SAP are supported if the spoke-SDP that it is mated to is MPLS-TP.

The vc-switching is supported.

The following describes how to configure MPLS-TP on an Epipe VLL. However, a similar configuration applies to other VLL types.

A spoke-SDP bound to an SDP with the mpls-tp keyword cannot be no shutdown unless the ingress label, the egress label, the control word, and the pw-path-id are configured, as follows:

         [no] spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id]
              [no] hash-label
              [no] standby-signaling-slave

         [no] spoke-sdp sdp-id[:vc-id] [vc-type {ether | vlan}]
             [create] [vc-switching] [no-endpoint | {endpoint [icb]}] 
               vc-label <out-label>
               vc-label <in-label>
            bandwidth <bandwidth> 
            [no] pw-path-id 
               agi <agi> 
               saii-type2 <global-id:node-id:ac-id>
               taii-type2 <global-id:node-id:ac-id>
            [no] control-channel-status 
[no] refresh-timer <value> 
request-timer <request-timer-secs> retry-timer <retry-timer-secs> timeout-
multiplier <multiplier>
no request-timer
               [no] acknowledgment 
               [no] shutdown

The pw-path-id context is used to configure the end-to-end identifiers for an MS-PW. These may not coincide with those for the local node if the configuration is at an S-PE. The SAII and TAII are consistent with the source and destination of a label mapping message for a signaled PW.

The control-channel-status command enables static pseudowire status signaling. This is valid for any spoke-SDP where signaling none is configured on the SDP (for example, where T-LDP signaling is not in use). The refresh timer is specified in seconds, from 10-65535, with a default of 0 (off). This value can only be changed if control-channel-status is shutdown.

Commands that rely on PW status signaling are allowed if control-channel-status is configured for a spoke-SDP bound to an SDP with signaling off, but the system uses control channel status signaling instead of T-LDP status signaling. The ability to configure control channel status signaling on a specified spoke-SDP is determined by the credit-based algorithm described earlier. Control channel status for a pseudowire only counts against the credit-based algorithm if the pseudowire is in a no shutdown state and has a non-zero refresh timer and a non-zero request timer.

A shutdown of a service results in the static PW status bits for the corresponding PW being set.

The spoke-SDP is held down unless the pw-path-id is complete.

The system accepts the node-id of the pw-path-id saii or taii being entered in either 4-octet IP address format (a.b.c.d) or unsigned integer format.

The control-word must be enabled to use MPLS-TP on a spoke-SDP.

The optional acknowledgment to a static PW status message is enabled using the acknowledgment command. The default is no acknowledgment.

The pw-path-id is only configurable if all of the following are true:

In the vc-switching case, if configured to make a static MPLS-TP spoke SDP to another static spoke SDP, the TAII of the spoke-SDP must match the SAII of its mate, and the SAII of the spoke-SDP must match the TAII of its mate.

A control-channel-status no shutdown is allowed only if all of the following are true:

The hash-label option is only configurable if SDP far end is not node-id/global-id.

The control channel status request mechanism is enabled when the request-timer timer parameter is non-zero. When enabled, this overrides the normal RFC-compliant refresh timer behavior. The refresh timer value in the status packet defined in RFC 6478 is always set to zero. The refresh-timer in the sending node is taken from the request-timer <timer1> timer. The two mechanisms are not compatible with each other. One node sends a request timer while the other is configured for refresh timer. In a specified node, the request timer can only be configured with both acknowledgment and refresh timers disabled.

When configured, the procedures following are used instead of the RFC 6478 procedures when a PW status changes.

The CLI commands to configure control channel status requests are as follows:

[no] control-channel-status 
     [no] refresh-timer <value> //0,10-65535, default:0 
     [no] request-timer <timer1> retry-timer <timer2> 
                  [timeout-multiplier <value>]
     [no] shutdown

request-timer <timer1>: 0, 10-65535, defaults: 0.

This parameter determines the interval at which PW status messages are sent, including a reliable delivery TLV, with the ‟request” bit set (as follows). This cannot be enabled if refresh-timer is not equal to zero (0).

retry-timer <timer2>: 3 to 60s

This parameter determines the timeout interval if no response to a PW status is received. This defaults to zero (0) when no retry-timer.

timeout-multiplier <value>: 3 to 15

If a requesting node does not get a response after retry-timer ✕ multiplier, the node must assume that the peer is down. This defaults to zero (0) when no retry-timer.