VPLS applicability — block on VPLS a failure

This feature is used in VPLS to enhance the existing BGP MH solution by providing a block-on-group failure function similar to the block-on-mesh failure feature implemented for LDP VPLS. On the PE selected as the Designated Forwarder (DF), if the rest of the VPLS endpoints fail (pseudowire spokes/pseudowire mesh and, or SAPs), there is no path forward for the frames sent to the MH site selected as DF. The status of the VPLS endpoints, other than the MH site, is reflected by bringing down/up the objects associated with the MH site.

Support for the feature is provided initially in VPLS and B-VPLS instance types for LDP VPLS, with or without BGP-AD and for BGP VPLS. The following objects may be placed as components of an operational group: BGP VPLS pseudowires, SAPs, spoke-pseudowire, BGP-AD pseudowires. The following objects are supported as monitoring objects: BGP MH site, individual SAP, spoke-pseudowire.

The following rules apply:

There are two steps involved in enabling the block-on-mesh failure feature in a VPLS scenario:

  1. Identify a set of objects whose forwarding state should be considered as a whole group, then group them under an operational group using the oper-group CLI command.

  2. Associate other existing objects (clients) with the oper-group command using the monitor-group CLI command; its forwarding state is derived from the related operational group state.

The status of the operational group (oper-group) is dictated by the status of one or more members according to the following rule:

A simple configuration example is described for the case of a BGP VPLS mesh used to interconnect different customer locations. If we assume a customer edge (CE) device is dual-homed to two PEs using BGP MH, the following configuration steps apply:

  1. The oper-group bgp-vpls-mesh is created.

  2. The BGP VPLS mesh is added to the bgp-vpls-mesh group through the pseudowire template used to create the BGP VPLS mesh.

  3. The BGP MH site defined for the access endpoint is associated with the bgp-vpls-mesh group; its status from now on is influenced by the status of the BGP VPLS mesh.

Below is a simple configuration example:

service>oper-group bgp-vpls-mesh-1 create
service>vpls>bgp>pw-template-binding> oper-group bgp-vpls-mesh-1
service>vpls>site> monitor-group bgp-vpls-mesh-1