Automated VCCV-trace capability for MS-pseudowire

Although tracing of the MS-pseudowire path is possible using the methods described in previous sections, these require multiple manual iterations and requires that the FEC of the last pseudowire segment to the target T-PE/S-PE is known as priori at the node originating the echo request message for each iteration. This mode of operation is referred to as a ‟ping” mode.

The automated VCCV-trace can trace the entire path of a pseudowire with a single command issued at the T-PE or at an S-PE. This is equivalent to LSP-trace and is an iterative process by which the ingress T-PE or T-PE sends successive VCCV-ping messages with incrementing the TTL value, starting from TTL=1.

The method is described in draft-hart-pwe3-segmented-pw-vccv, VCCV Extensions for Segmented Pseudo-Wire, and is pending acceptance by the PWE3 working group. In each iteration, the source T-PE or S-PE builds the MPLS echo request message in a way similar to VCCV ping. The first message with TTL=1 has the next-hop S-PE T-LDP session source address in the Remote PE Address field in the pseudowire FEC TLV. Each S-PE which terminates and processes the message includes in the MPLS echo reply message the FEC 128 TLV corresponding the pseudowire segment to its downstream node. The inclusion of the FEC TLV in the echo reply message is allowed in RFC 8029. The source T-PE or S-PE can then build the next echo reply message with TTL=2 to test the next-next hop for the MS-pseudowire. It copies the FEC TLV it received in the echo reply message into the new echo request message. The process is terminated when the reply is from the egress T-PE or when a timeout occurs. If specified, the max-ttl parameter in the vccv-trace command stops on S-PE before reaching T-PE.

The results VCCV-trace can be displayed for a fewer number of pseudowire segments of the end-to-end MS-pseudowire path. In this case, the min-ttl and max-ttl parameters are configured accordingly. However, the T-PE/S-PE node still probes all hops up to min-ttl to correctly build the FEC of the needed subset of segments.

Note that this method does not require the use of the downstream mapping TLV in the echo request and echo reply messages.