Configuring parameter overrides and header sequences

About this task

The steps to configure parameter overrides and header sequences are:


  1. Define the header parameter overrides in the debug>oam>build-packet>packet>field-override context.
    Any header value can be overridden.
  2. Define the test packet header sequence in the debug>oam>build-packet>packet>header-sequence context.
    The header-sequence command includes a string that specifies the sequence of header to create the test packet.
    Each header is defined in the form of h<header-number> with a ‟/” separating the header identifiers.
    The headers sequence is defined from outer header to innermost header.
    debug>oam>build-packet>packet <pkt-id> 
          header 1  
                src-mac-address 11:22:33:44:55:66 
                dst-mac-address 22:33:44:55:66:77 
    header-sequence ‟h1/h3/h2” 

What to do next

Execute the test with the oam find-egress packet packet-id ingress-port port-id command. This causes the specified test frame or packet to be injected at specified port and this reports the result.
A:bkvm14# oam find-egress packet 1 ingress-port 1/5/7  
Egress Information for Packet 1, Ingress Port 1/5/7 
Port        : 1/5/1 
Router Name : Base 
Interface Nm: toDUT-2917 
Next Hop    : 
Test completed.