Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) provides a MEP the ability to signal a fault condition in the reverse direction of the MEP, out the passive side. When a fault condition is detected the MEP generates AIS packets at the configured client levels and at the specified AIS interval until the condition is cleared. Currently a MEP that is configured to generate AIS must do so at a level higher than its own. The MEP configured on the service receiving the AIS packets is required to have the active side facing the receipt of the AIS packet and must be at the same level as the AIS. The absence of an AIS packet for 3.5 times the AIS interval set by the sending a node clear the condition on the receiving MEP.

AIS generation is not subject to the CCM low-priority-defect parameter setting. When enabled, AIS is generated if the MEP enters any defect condition, by default this includes CCM RDI condition.

To prevent the generation of AIS for the CCM RDI condition, the AIS version of the low-priority-defect parameter (under the ais-enable command) can be configured to ignore RDI by setting the parameter value to macRemErrXcon. The low-priority-defect parameter is specific and influences the protocol under which it is configured. When the low-priority-defect parameter is configured under CCM, it only influences CCM and not AIS. When the low-priority-defect parameter is configured under AIS, it only influences AIS and not CCM. Each protocol can make use of this parameter using different values.

AIS configuration has two components: receive and transmit. AIS reception is enabled when the command ais-enable is configured under the MEP. The transmit function is enabled when the client-meg-level is configured.

Alarm Indication Signal function is used to suppress alarms at the client (sub) layer following detection of defect conditions at the server (sub) layer. Because of independent restoration capabilities provided within the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) environments, ETH-AIS is not expected to be applied in the STP environment.

Transmission of frames with ETH-AIS information can be enabled or disabled on a MEP. Frames with ETH-AIS information can be issued at the client MEG Level by a MEP, including a Server MEP, upon detecting the following conditions:

For a point-to-point ETH connection at the client (sub) layer, a client layer MEP can determine that the server (sub) layer entity providing connectivity to its peer MEP has encountered defect condition upon receiving a frame with ETH-AIS information. Alarm suppression is straightforward because a MEP is expected to suppress defect conditions associated only with its peer MEP.

For multipoint ETH connectivity at the client (sub) layer, a client (sub) layer MEP cannot determine the specific server (sub) layer entity that has encountered defect conditions upon receiving a frame with ETH-AIS information. More importantly, it cannot determine the associated subset of its peer MEPs for which it should suppress alarms because the received ETH-AIS information does not contain that information. Therefore, upon receiving a frame with ETH-AIS information, the MEP suppresses alarms for all peer MEPs whether there is still connectivity or not.

Only a MEP, including a server MEP, is configured to issue frames with ETH-AIS information. Upon detecting a defect condition the MEP can immediately start transmitting periodic frames with ETH-AIS information at a configured client MEG Level. A MEP continues to transmit periodic frames with ETH-AIS information until the defect condition is removed. Upon receiving a frame with ETH-AIS information from its server (sub) layer, a client (sub) layer MEP detects AIS condition and suppresses alarms associated with all its peer MEPs. A MEP resumes alarm generation upon detecting defect conditions when AIS condition is cleared.

AIS may also be triggered or cleared based on the state of the entity over which it has been enabled. Including the optional command interface-support-enable under the ais-enable command tracks the state of the entity and invoke the appropriate AIS action. This means that operators are not required to enable CCM on a MEP to generate AIS if the only requirement is to track the local entity. If a CCM enabled MEP is enabled in addition to this function then both are used to act upon the AIS function. When both CCM and interface support are enabled, a fault in either triggers AIS. To clear the AIS state, the entity must be in an UP operational state and there must be no defects associated with the MEP. The interface support function is available on both service MEPs and facility MEPs both in the Down direction only, with the following exception. An Ethernet QinQ Tunnel Facility MEP does not support interface-support-enable. Many operational models for Ethernet QinQ Tunnel Facility MEPs are deployed with the SAP in the shutdown state.

The following specific configuration information is used by a MEP to support ETH-AIS:

client MEG level
MEG level at which the most immediate client layer MIPs and MEPs exist
ETH-AIS transmission period
determines the transmission period of frames with ETH-AIS information
identifies the priority of frames with ETH-AIS information
drop eligibility
frames with ETH-AIS information are always marked as drop ineligible
optional configuration to track the state of the entity over which the MEP is configured
optional configuration to exclude the CCM RDI condition from triggering the generation of AIS

A MIP is transparent to frames with ETH-AIS information and therefore does not require any information to support ETH-AIS functionality.

It is important to note that Facility MEPs do not support the generation of AIS to an explicitly configured endpoint. An explicitly configured endpoint is an object that contains multiple individual endpoints, as in pseudowire redundancy.

AIS is enabled under the service and has two parts, receive and transmit. Both components have their own configuration option. The ais-enable command under the SAP allows for the processing of received AIS packets at the MEP level. The client-meg-level command is the transmit portion that generates AIS if the MEP enter a fault state.

When MEP 101 enters a defect state, it starts to generate AIS out the passive side of the MEP, away from the fault. In this case, the AIS generates out sap 1/1/10:100.31 because MEP 101 is an up MEP on that SAP. The Defect Flag indicates that an RDI error state has been encountered. The Eth-Ais Tx Counted value is increasing, indicating that AIS is actively being sent.

A single network event may, in turn, cause the number of AIS transmissions to exceed the AIS transmit rate of the network element. A pacing mechanism is in place to assist the network element to gracefully handle this overload condition. Should an event occur that causes the AIS transmit requirements to exceed the AIS transmit resources, a credit system is used to grant access to the resources. Once all the credits have been used, any remaining MEPs attempting to allocate a transmit resource are placed on a wait list, unable to transmit AIS. If a credit be released, when the condition that caused the MEP to transmit AIS is cleared, a MEP on the wait list consumes the newly available credit. If it is critical that AIS transmit resources be available for every potential event, consideration must be given to the worst case scenario and the configuration should never exceed the potential. Access to the resources and the wait list are ordered and maintained in first come first serve basis.

A MEP that is on the wait list only increments the ‟Eth-Ais Tx Fail” counter and not the ‟Eth-Ais TxCount” for every failed attempt while the MEP is on the wait list.

There is no synchronization of AIS transmission state between peer nodes. This is particularly important when AIS is used to propagate fault in ETH-CFM MC-LAG linked designs.