Note: Release 9.0 R1 uses pre-standard OpCodes and does not interoperate with any other release or future release.

This synthetic loss measurement approach is a single-ended feature that allows the operator to run on-demand and proactive tests to determine ‟in”, ‟out” loss and ‟unacknowledged” packets. This approach can be used between peer MEPs in both point to point and multipoint services. Only remote MEP peers within the association and matching the unicast destination respond to the SLM packet.

The specification uses various sequence numbers to determine in which direction the loss occurred. Nokia has implemented the required counters to determine loss in each direction. To properly use the information that is gathered the following terms are defined:

The per probe specific loss indicators are available when looking at the on-demand test runs, or the individual probe information stored in the MIB. When tests are scheduled by Service Assurance Application (SAA) the per probe data is summarized and per probe information is not maintained. Any ‟unacknowledged” packets are recorded as ‟in-loss” when summarized.

The on-demand function can be executed from CLI or SNMP. The on demand tests are meant to provide the carrier a means to perform on the spot testing. However, this approach is not meant as a method for storing archived data for later processing. The probe count for on demand SLM has a range of one to 100 with configurable probe spacing between one second and ten seconds. This means it is possible that a single test run can be up to 1000 seconds in length. Although possible, it is more likely the majority of on demand case are run up to 100 probes or less at a one second interval. A node may only initiate and maintain a single active on demand SLM test at any one time. A maximum of one storage entry per remote MEP is maintained in the results table. Subsequent runs to the same peer overwrite the results for that peer. This means when using on demand testing the test should be run and the results checked before starting another test.

The proactive measurement functions are linked to SAA. This backend provides the scheduling, storage and summarization capabilities. Scheduling may be either continuous or periodic. It also allows for the interpretation and representation of data that may enhance the specification. As an example, an optional TLV has been included to allow for the measurement of both loss and delay/jitter with a single test. The implementation does not cause any interoperability because the optional TLV is ignored by equipment that does not support this. In mixed vendor environments loss measurement continues to be tracked but delay and jitter only reports round trip times. It is important to point out that the round trip times in this mixed vendor environment include the remote nodes processing time because only two time stamps are included in the packet. In an environment where both nodes support the optional TLV to include time stamps unidirectional and round trip times are reported. Because all four time stamps are included in the packet, the round trip time in this case does not include remote node processing time. Of course, those operators that want to run delay measurement and loss measurement at different frequencies are free to run both ETH-SL and ETH-DM functions. ETH-SL is not replacing ETH-DM. Service Assurance is only briefly discussed here to provide some background on the basic functionality.

The ETH-SL packet format contains a test-id that is internally generated and not configurable. The test-id is visible for the on demand test in the display summary. It is possible a remote node processing the SLM frames receive overlapping test-ids as a result of multiple MEPs measuring loss between the same remote MEP. For this reason, the uniqueness of the test is based on remote MEP-ID, test-id and source MAC of the packet.

ETH-SL is applicable to up and down MEPs and as per the recommendation transparent to MIPs. There is no coordination between various fault conditions that could impact loss measurement. This is also true for conditions where MEPs are placed in shutdown state as a result of linkage to a redundancy scheme like MC-LAG. Loss measurement is based on the ETH-SL and not coordinated across different functional aspects on the network element. ETH-SL is supported on service based MEPs.

It is possible that two MEPs may be configured with the same MAC on different remote nodes. This causes various issues in the FDB for multipoint services and is considered a misconfiguration for most services. It is possible to have a valid configuration where multiple MEPs on the same remote node have the same MAC. In fact, this is somewhat likely. Only the first responder is used to measure packet loss. The second responder is dropped, because the same MAC for multiple MEPs is only truly valid on the same remote node.

There is no way for the responding node to understand when a test is completed. For this reason a configurable inactivity-timer determines the length of time a test is valid. The timer maintains an active test as long as it is receiving packets for that specific test, defined by the test-id, remote MEP ID and source MAC. When there is a gap between the packets that exceeds the inactivity timer value, the responding node releases the index in the table and responds with a sequence number of 1, regardless of the sequence number sent by the instantiating node. Expiration of this timer causes the reflecting peer to expire the previous test. Packets that follow the expiration of a text are viewed as a new test. The default for the inactivity-timer is 100 second and has a range of ten to 100 seconds.

Only the configuration is supported by HA. There is no synchronization of data between active and standby. Any unwritten, or active tests are lost during a switchover and the data is not recoverable.

ETH-SL provides a mechanism for operators to pro-actively trend packet loss.