LSP trace behavior when S2L path traverses a re-merge node

When a 7450 ESS, 7750 SR or 7950 XRS LSR performs a re-merge of one or more ILMs of the P2MP LSP to which the traced S2L sub-LSP belongs, it may block the ILM over which the traced S2L resides. This causes the trace to either fail or to succeed with a missing hop.

The following is an example of this behavior.

S2L1 and S2L2 use ILMs which re-merge at node B. Depending on which ILM is blocked at B, the TTL=2 probe either yields two responses or times out.

S2L1 = ACBDF (to leaf F)
S2L2 = ABDE (to leaf E)
 /  \
B -- C
| \
F  E

The router ingress LER detects a re-merge condition when it receives two or more replies to the same probe, such as the same TTL value. It displays the following message to the user regardless if the trace operation successfully reached the egress LER or was aborted earlier:

Probe returned multiple responses. Result may be inconsistent.

This warning message indicates to the user the potential of a re-merge scenario and that a p2mp-lsp-ping command for this S2L should be used to verify that the S2L path is not defective.

The router ingress LER behavior is to always proceed to the next ttl probe when it receives an OK response to a probe or when it times out on a probe. If however it receives replies with an error return code, it must wait until it receives an OK response or it times out. If it times out without receiving an OK reply, the LSP trace must be aborted.

The following are possible echo reply messages received and corresponding ingress LER behavior: