The IP mirroring capability for the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS allows a mirror to be created with a parameter that specifies that only the IP packet is mirrored without the original POS/Ethernet DLC header. This results in the mirrored IP packet becoming media-agnostic on the mirror service egress.
This option is configurable on SAP mirrors for IES, VPRN and VPLS services, Ipipe services, and subscriber mirrors. It is not supported on VLL services such as Epipe, or on ports.
remote mirroring termination
With remote mirroring, the mirror destination configuration can allow IP packets to be mirrored from a source router. The packets are delivered to the destination in a spoke-terminated interface created in a VPRN service. IES interfaces are not supported. The interface can be configured with policy-based routing filters to allow sniffer selection based on incoming mirrored destination IP addresses. The interface cannot send traffic out as it is a destination-only feature. Packets arriving at the interface are routed based on the routing information within the VPRN. Policy-based routing should always be used unless only a sniffer is connected to the VPRN.
local mirroring termination
Local mirroring is like remote mirroring but the source and destination of the mirror exist in the same local IP mirroring node. The configuration must include the source address and destination MAC addresses for the packets going to the sniffer. The destination SAP must be Ethernet.