Packet capture is a troubleshooting tool that uses both mirroring and debugging. A user’s CLI profile must have debug privileges to perform packet capture. To enable packet capture perform the following steps.
The mirrored packets are placed in a buffer in the CPM before they are transferred over FTP or TFTP. The buffer holds a maximum of 20 Mb. The FTP transfer is performed every 0.5 seconds. Each packet that is transferred successfully is flushed from the buffer. Therefore, to ensure all packets are captured successfully, the capture rate must not exceed 20 Mb in 0.5 seconds and the FTP transfer must not exceed 320 Mb/s of bandwidth (20 Mb per 0.5 seconds).
In the following show pcap output, the statistics, the session state, write failure, read failures, process time bailouts, and dropped packets are key elements for identifying whether the packet capture on the FTP server is reliable.
A:DUT> show pcap "2" detail
Pcap Session "2" Information
Application Type : mirror-dest Session State : ready
Capture : stop Last Changed : 02/06/2018 19:52:07
Capture File Url : ftp://*:*@
Buffer Size : 10 Bytes File Size : 200 Bytes
Write Failures : 0 Read Failures : 0
Proc Time Bailouts : 0 Last File Write : 02/06/2018 19:52:07
Dropped Packets : 661 Packets
Packet capture is a troubleshooting tool. Therefore, all CLI commands except for the FTP URL destination are located under debug. This allows the administrator to set up a CLI profile specifically for packet capture with debug privileges.
The packet capture uses FTP for file transfer and can be routed to the destination using the management port or through the IOM port. If the FTP server destination is routed through the management port, consider the maximum bandwidth available.
Mechanisms are built in to prevent mirroring or packet captures that result in loops or daisy-chains. However, it is possible to form a loop or daisy-chain if routing re routes or configuration changes. When a packet capture becomes looped or daisy-chained, the packet capture stops.