Routable Lawful Intercept encapsulation

The Routable LI encapsulation feature allows LI mirrored packets to be placed into a routable (for example, IP/UDP) header and then forwarded in a routing context (base or VPRN). An LI-shim inserted before the customer packet allows correlation of packets to LI sessions at the downstream LI Mediation device (LIG).

Figure: Routable Lawful Intercept encapsulation
Figure: Routable encapsulation format

Some of the supported attributes and scenarios for the routable LI encapsulation feature include the following:

The following restrictions apply to the routable LI encapsulation feature:

Care must be taken in the configuration of LI mirrors and the destination IP address for the routable LI encapsulation. Incorrect selection of the destination IP could send packets to unintended destinations (for example, configuring the encapsulation with a subscriber's IP address), and combinations of mirrors and routable encapsulation can create loops in the network.