Customer information

Use the following CLI syntax to create and input customer information:

config>service# customer customer-id [create]
    — contact contact-information
    — description description-string
    — multi-service-site customer-site-name [create]
        — assignment {port port-id | card slot}
        — description description-string
        — egress
        — egress
            — agg-rate
                — burst-limit size [bytes | kilobytes]
                — limit-unused-bandwidth
                — queue-frame-based-accounting
                — rate kilobits-per-second
            — policer-control-policy name
                — scheduler-override
                — scheduler scheduler-name [create]
                    — parent {[weight weight] [cir-weight cir-weight]}
                    — rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
                — scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
        — ingress
            — scheduler-override
                — scheduler scheduler-name [create]
                    — parent {[weight weight] [cir-weight cir-weight]}
                    — rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
            — scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
    — phone phone-number

The following displays a basic customer account configuration.

A:ALA-12>config>service# info
       customer 5 create
           description "Nokia Customer"
           contact "Technical Support"
           phone "650 555-5100"