gRPC tunnels

A gRPC tunnel is a client-server protocol like any other gRPC-based service. The gRPC tunnel concept is defined by OpenConfig ( and is based on three entities:

The following figure shows the gRPC tunnel service concept.

Figure: gRPC tunnel service concept

After the registration process is complete, the tunnel server informs the tunnel client about all available targets supporting the target type that it is subscribed to. The tunnel client can then request a tunnel session toward a specific target. When a request is made, the tunnel server establishes a TCP tunnel between itself and the target (if one is not already open for another session) and establishes a tunnel session between the target and the tunnel client. After this session is established, the tunnel client can open any supported application session (gNMI or gNOI) toward applications on the target.

The following RPCs are defined to facilitate gRPC tunnels.

Using a gRPC tunnel instead of a direct gRPC connection provides the following advantages: