Configuring a gRPC tunnel in SR OS

About this task

To configure use gRPC tunnel, perform the following steps:


  1. Configure the destination group.
    1. Configure 1 or 2 destinations using the destination command.
    2. Configure whether transport is secure or unsecure using the allow-secure-connection command.
    3. Configure the router instance using the router-instance command.
    4. Optionally, configure a local source address using the local-source-address command.
    5. Optionally, configure the TCP keepalive interval using the tcp-keepalive command.
  2. Configure the gRPC tunnel.
    1. Assign a destination group using the destination-group command.
    2. Enable the tunnel.
    3. Define the target name using the target-name command.
    4. Configure one or more handlers using the handler command.
  3. Configure the internal application server.
    Example MD-CLI
    *(ex)[/configure system]
        grpc-tunnel {
            destination-group "ba-server" {
                destination port 33333 {
                       router-instance "management"
            tunnel “test” {
                admin-state enable
                destination-group “ba-server”
                target-name { node-name} 
                handler “my-grpc” {
                    admin-state enable
                    target-type { grpc-server } 
                    port 57400
                handler “ssh” {             
                    admin-state enable
                    target-type { ssh-server } 
                    port 22
        grpc {
            admin-state enable
            gnmi {
                admin-state enable
    Example Classic CLI
        grpc-tunnel {
            destination-group "ba-server" create {
                destination port 33333 create {
                       router-instance "management"
            tunnel “test” create{
                destination-group “ba-server”
                target-name { node-name} 
                no shutdown
                handler “my-grpc” create{
                    target-type { grpc-server } 
                    port 57400
                    no shutdown
                handler “ssh” create{             
                    target-type { ssh-server } 
                    port 22
                    no shutdown
        grpc {
            no shutdown
            gnmi {
                no shutdown