Installing the pySROS libraries

The pySROS libraries are delivered and preinstalled on SR OS nodes. This libraries can be installed on another device, such as a PC or Unix workstation.

Note: A Python 3 interpreter must be already installed on the device.

Use one of the following methods to install the pySROS libraries:

  1. from the Python Package Index (PyPI) using the pip tool (preferred method)

    To do this, execute the pip install pysros command on the device.

  2. from source code delivered from

    To do this, clone the source code repository to your device by executing the git clone command.

    The source code can then be compiled and installed by executing python3 install.

  3. from source code delivered from the Nokia online support portal

    To do this, obtain the source code from the Nokia online support portal. This is the same location where the SR OS software resides.

    The source code can then be compiled and installed by executing python3 install.