NETCONF notifications

NETCONF notifications support is a standard IETF asynchronous notification delivery service for the NETCONF that is specified in RFC 5277.

The :notification capability and the :interleave capability are advertised in the SR OS NETCONF server <hello> as:

<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:notification:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:interleave:1.0</capability>

The following are characteristics of the NETCONF notifications capabilities supported in SR OS:

In a <create-subscription>, a <filter> is an optional argument that is not supported by SR OS.

In a <create-subscription>, a <startTime> is an optional argument. This argument triggers the starting time of a replay. If it is not present, the subscription cannot be used to replay. A <startTime> cannot specify a time that is later than the current time (that is, in the future). SR OS supports timezones.

In a <create-subscription>, a <stopTime> is another optional argument. If this argument is not present, notifications continue to be sent until the subscription is terminated. A <stopTime> can specify a time that is later than the current time (that is, in the future). SR OS supports timezones.

A replay buffer is maintained by the SR OS server (per stream) and sorted by the order they were initially sent out (that is, by sequence-id, and not by timestamps).