SRĀ OS can collect BGP-LU traffic statistics.
Traffic statistics can be collected on egress data paths. This requires the use of egress-statistics keyword when creating an import policy and that the BGP tunnel exists for the corresponding prefix. If multiple paths exist (for example, ECMP), a single statistical index is allocated and reflects the traffic sent over all paths.
Traffic statistics can also be collected on ingress data paths if the label is assigned and effectively advertised per prefix. This typically requires the use of advertise-label per-prefix when creating the import policy and applies whether the sr-label-index keyword is in use or not. However, there are cases where this may not result in a per-prefix label advertisement. When a non-BGP route (for example, static route) is requested to be advertised (advertise-inactive) with a Label Per Prefix (LPP) policy but it exists as an active RTM route and as inactive BGP route, the system does not use the LPP but instead uses the LPNH policy. Statistics are not counted for this prefix. An imported (local loopback) SR label route can also be configured to use the ingress-statistics keyword by using a route table import policy under rib-management (either label-ipv4 or label-ipv6).
Overall, BGP-LU statistics apply at the:
PE and forwarding RR on egress
ASBR on both ingress and egress
Only host prefixes (/32 and /128) are supported on egress statistics.
Host and non-host prefixes are supported on ingress statistics.
Control messages sent over the BGP-LU tunnel are accounted for in traffic statistics.
BGP-LU statistics are not supported for imported LDP routes (ldp-bgp stitching) or for VPN labels (for example, inter-AS B or C).