After the RIP protocol instance is created, the no shutdown command is not required because RIP is administratively enabled upon creation. To enable RIP on a router, at least one group and one neighbor must be configured. There are no default groups or neighbors. Each group and neighbor must be explicitly configured.
Use the following CLI syntax to configure global-level RIP parameters.
CLI syntax
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key [hash | hash2| custom]
authentication-type {password | message-digest}
check-zero {enable | disable}
export policy-name [policy-name ...up to 5 max]
import policy-name [policy-name ...up to 5 max]
message-size number
metric-in metric
metric-out metric
preference number
receive {both | none | version-1 | version-2}
send {broadcast | multicast | none | version-1 | both}
no shutdown
split-horizon {enable | disable}
timers update timeout flush
The following example displays global RIP configuration command usage.
config>router# rip
config>router>rip# authentication-type password
config>router>rip# authentication-key test123
config>router>rip# receive both
config>router>rip# split-horizon enable
config>router>rip# timers 300 600 600
config>router>rip>group# exit
The following example displays the RIP group configuration:
ALA-A>config>router>rip# info
authentication-type simple
authentication-key "ac1865lvz1d" hash
timers 300 600 600