A group is a collection of related RIP peers. The group name should be a descriptive name for the group. Follow your group, name, and ID naming conventions for consistency and to help when troubleshooting faults.
All parameters configured for a group are applied to the group and are inherited by each peer (neighbor), but a group parameter can be overridden on a specific neighbor-level basis. Use the following CLI syntax to configure a group.
CLI syntax
config>router# rip
group group-name
authentication-key[authentication-key|hash-key [hash|hash2|custom]
authentication-type {password|message-digest}
check-zero {enable|disable}
description string
export policy-name [policy-name …]
import policy-name [policy-name …]
message-size number
metric-in metric
metric-out metric
preference number
receive {both|none|version-1|version-2}
send {broadcast|multicast|none|version-1|both}
no shutdown
split-horizon {enable|disable}
timers update timeout flush
The following example displays group configuration command usage.
config>router# rip
config>router>rip# group headquarters
config>router>rip>group$ description "Mt. View"
config>router>rip>group# no shutdown
The following example displays the RIP group configuration:
ALA-A>config>router>rip# info
authentication-type simple
authentication-key "ac1865lvz1d" hash
timers 300 600 600
group "headquarters"
description "Mt. View"