2.6. Configuring an ESA with CLI

This section provides information to configure an ESA using the command line interface from a 7750 SR. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the basic concepts of configuring policies.

2.6.1. Provisioning an ESA and ESA-VM

Use the following syntax to provision an ESA.


Each ESA host-port and ESA-VM port must each be associated to a dedicated 7750 SR 100G port.

CLI Syntax:
config>esa esa-id
vm vm-id
vm-type {aa | bb}

The following example shows an ESA containing both a VM-type AA and a VM-type BB.

            esa 1 create 
                description "Esa for AA-BB" 
                host-port 7/1/c6/1 
                vm 1 create 
                    description "Application-Assurance ISA" 
                    vm-type aa 
                    host-port 7/1/c6/1
                    cores 12 
                    memory 20  
                    no shutdown 
                vm 2 create 
                    description "Broadband ISA" 
                    vm-type bb 
                    host-port 7/1/c6/1 
                    cores 9 
                    memory 40
                    no shutdown 

The following output displays an ESA and ESA-VM for the preceding configuration example.

show esa 
Extended Services Appliance Summary 
ESA  Description                                           Admin     Oper 
                                                           State     State 
1                                                           up        up 
show esa detail 
ESA 1 
Description                  : Esa for AA-BB 
Admin State                  : up 
Operational State            : up 
Oper flags                   : none 
IOM Host Port                : 7/1/c6/1 
Hardware Data 
    System manufacturer      : Nokia Solutions and Networks 
    System product name      : ESA-100G 
    System serial number     : QTFCT99040103 
    Software Version         : TiMOS-H-19.10.S24 hypervisor/esa Copyright (c) 
                               2000-2019 Nokia. All rights reserved. All use 
                               subject to applicable license agreements. Built 
                               on Wed Oct 23 20:35:01 PDT 2019 by builder in / 
    Time of last boot        : 2019/10/24 14:49:58 UTC 
    Cores available          : 23 
    Cores allocated          : 23 
    Cores remaining          : 0 
    Memory available         : 192 GB 
    Memory allocated         : 60 GB 
    Memory remaining         : 132 GB 
    Performance enabled      : yes 
    Export restricted        : no 