System profiles

System profiles provide flexibility when using FP4-based line cards by supporting different system capabilities. The system profile is defined in the BOF and is used by the system when it is next rebooted. Contact your Nokia representative for system profile information.

The following system profiles are supported:

System profiles profile-a and profile-b support only FP4-based line cards. Provisioning FP2- or FP3-based line cards is prohibited when the system profile is set to profile-a or profile-b. If FP2- or FP3-based card types are present in the boot configuration when using these profiles, the boot sequence aborts the loading of the configuration file when it encounters their configuration.

When changing between system profiles, it is mandatory to remove all configuration commands for features that are not supported in the target system profile before rebooting the system, otherwise the reboot fails at the unsupported configuration command on startup.

On 7750 SR-1 and 7750 SR-s systems, the following conditions apply about the profile parameter:

On 7750 SR-7-B/12-B/12e and 7950 XRS-20/20e systems, the following conditions apply about the profile parameter:

On all other systems, the following conditions apply about the profile parameter:

If a system has two CPMs, and the standby CPM boots with a different profile parameter than is used on the active CPM, the active CPM reboot the standby CPM and keep it in a down state. To correct the situation, the BOF can be reconfigured on the standby CPM to match the one configured on the active CPM, and then reboot the system. Alternatively, automatic BOF synchronization can be enabled to keep both CPMs in sync using the following command:

configure redundancy synchronize boot-env

When performing a minor or major ISSU software upgrade on dual CPM systems, it is important that the system profile in the BOF on both the active and standby CPM is the same and has a value supported on the pre-upgrade software release. If the standby CPM happened to have a system profile which is only supported in the post-upgrade release, the active CPM reboots the standby and keeps it down because of a system profile mis-match.

The BOF system profile can be displayed as follows:

Classic CLI:

*A:node-2# show bof | match system-profile
    system-profile profile-a


A:admin@node-2# admin show configuration bof | match profile
        profile profile-a

The BOF system profile used by the system when it booted can be seen in the boot messages (using the show boot-messages command), which display the BOF read when rebooting.

The system profile in use on the system can be displayed as follows:

Classic CLI:

A:node-2# show chassis | match "System Profile"
  System Profile                    : none


A:admin@node-2# show chassis | match "System Profile"
  System Profile                    : none