In the following example configuration, 100% of shared resources are allocated to web-service URL classification:
config>isa>aa-grp>shr-res-pool# info detail
web-service-url-filter 100
Traffic that belongs to one of the blocked categories (as defined in the profile activated for the user), is redirected.
The operator can append the category name and category ID to the redirect URL (that is, the category that resulted in the redirect action).
The following example displays an HTTP redirect policy configuration:
config>app-assure>group 1
http-redirect "redirect-ws-filter" create
description "Redirect for Web Service URL Filtering"
template 5
redirect-url "
no shutdown
The operator defines a new URL filter with the following attributes:
classifier = "web-service-1"
defines the URL categorization database to use
category-set-id = 1
defines the URL categories to use
fqdn =
defines the URL categorization database endpoint that the AA connects to
defines the DNS server to resolve the FQDN
defines up to eight profile names
defines the category to be blocked in the configured profile
In the following URL filter configuration example, the three profiles defined in Table: Example URL category profile of the Web-service URL classification section are configured. Two classification-overrides entries are also configured:
configure application-assurance group 1 url-filter "ws-filter"
config>app-assure>group>url-filter# info
classifier web-service-1 category-set-id 1
vlan-id 100
default-action block-http-redirect "redirect-ws-filter"
http-redirect "redirect-ws-filter"
entry 1 expression category "Phishing/Fraud"
entry 2 expression www.site2.def category "Illegal Drugs"
profile low create
category "Internet Watch Foundation List" block
category "Spyware And Malicious Sites" block
category "Phishing/Fraud" block
profile medium create
category "Internet Watch Foundation List" block
category "Spyware And Malicious Sites" block
category "Phishing/Fraud" block
category "Illegal Drugs" block
category "Violence" block
category "Weapons" block
profile high create
category "Internet Watch Foundation List" block
category "Spyware And Malicious Sites" block
category "Phishing/Fraud" block
category "Illegal Drugs" block
category "Violence" block
category "Weapons" block
category "Nudity" block
category "Alcohol" block
category "Criminal Skills/Hacking" block
category "Hate Speech" block
default-category-profile "low"
no shutdown
Enabling apply-function-specific-behavior allows the operator to configure a default-action and http-redirect which are specific to web-service URL Classification only. Alternatively, the operator may configure the same default-action and http-redirect for all url-filter functions by disabling the apply-function-specific behavior (which is the default) and configuring a default-action and http-redirect in the config>app-assure>group>url-filter.
The ASO is used to dynamically allocate a profile to a user.
The following output displays the configuration of an example ASO:
config>app-assure>group>policy>aso# info
characteristic "url-filter-policy" create
value "high"
value "medium"
value "low"
default-value "low"
The AQP is used to execute the URL filter policy. The URL filter uses the ASO value that is active for the user to select the category profile.
In the AQP defined in the following example, there is no match condition. Therefore, the web-service URL classification is applied to all subscribers:
config>app-assure>group>policy>aqp# entry 100 create
url-filter "ws-filter" characteristic "url-filter-policy"
no shutdown