The user applies a network QoS policy to the egress context of a spoke-sdp to redirect the mapping of a Forwarding Class (FC) to a policer and, or a queue part of a queue-group instance created in the egress of a network port.
config>service>vprn>if>spoke-sdp>egress>qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
The queue-group queues or policers are instantiated at egress port, one instance per network port and per link of LAG network port, and are used to service packets of this spoke-SDP, which are forwarded over any network IP interface on this port.
config>port>ethernet>network>egress>queue-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
In the egress context of the network QoS policy, the user defines the mapping of an FC to a policer-id or a queue-id and instructs the code to redirect the mapping to the queue or policer of the same ID in some queue-group. However, the queue-group is explicitly named only at the time the network QoS policy is applied to the spoke-SDP, as shown in the preceding example of the VPRN service. The command is as follows:
config>qos>network>egress>fc>port-redirect-group {queue queue-id | policer policer-id [queue queue-id]}
There are three possible outcomes when executing this command:
The user can redirect an FC to use a queue in a queue-group, in which case there are no policers used.
config>qos>network>egress>fc>port-redirect-group queue queue-id
The user can redirect an FC to use a policer-id in a queue-group without specifying a queue-id and in which case the policer is feeding the egress shared queue for that FC defined in the network-queue policy applied to the egress of this port.
config>qos>network>egress>fc>port-redirect-group policer policer-id
The user can redirect an FC to use a policer feeding a queue both of which are defined in the named queue-group.
config>qos>network>egress>fc>port-redirect-group policer policer-id queue queue-id
The CLI configuration in this section uses a spoke-sdp defined in the context of a VPRN interface. However, the PW shaping feature is supported with all PW-based services including the PW template.