Announcing ELC, MSD-ERLD, and MSD-BMI with IS-IS

IS-IS can announce node Entropy Label Capability (ELC), the Maximum Segment Depth (MSD) for node Entropy Readable Label Depth (ERLD) and the MSD for node Base MPLS Imposition (BMI). If needed, exporting the IS-IS extensions into BGP-LS requires no additional configuration. These extensions are standardized through draft-ietf-isis-mpls-elc-10, Signaling Entropy Label Capability and Entropy Readable Label Depth Using IS-IS, and RFC 8491, Signaling Maximum SID Depth (MSD) Using IS-IS.

When entropy and segment routing are enabled on a router, it automatically announces the ELC, ERLD, and BMI IS-IS values when IS-IS prefix attributes and router capabilities are announced. The following configuration logic is used.

Segment routing parameters are configured in the following contexts:

configure>router>isis>segment-routing>maximum-sid-depth>override-bmi value
configure>router>isis>segment-routing>maximum-sid-depth>override-erld value