Configuration of S-BFD on SR-TE LSPs

For PCC-initiated or PCC-controlled LSPs, an operator can configure an S-BFD session under the bfd context of SR-TE LSP, the primary path, the SR-TE secondary path, and the lsp-template by using:

The operator can configure S-BFD to operate in one of the following modes:

The referenced BFD template must specify parameters consistent with an S-BFD session. For example, the endpoint type is cpm-np for platforms supporting a CPM P-chip; otherwise, a CLI error is generated. Operators can use the same BFD template for both S-BFD and any other type of BFD session requested by MPLS.

If S-BFD is configured at the LSP level, sessions are created on all paths of the LSP.

Operators can also configure S-BFD on the primary or a specific secondary path of the LSP, as follows:

The wait-for-up-timer is only applicable if a failure action is configured using the failover-or-down command. For more information, see Support for BFD failure action with SR-TE LSPs.

For PCE-initiated LSPs and SR-TE auto-LSPs, the operator specifies the S-BFD session parameters in the LSP template. The ‟to” address used for determining the remote discriminator is derived from the far-end address of the auto-LSP or PCE-initiated LSP.