Accounting-only subscriber service

An accounting-only subscriber service has no specific action such as qos-override or pccrule defined and has subscriber service instance accounting enabled.

An example of when an accounting-only subscriber service would be used is if additional accounting data is needed for a specific time period in the lifetime of a PPPoE or IPoE session.

The sub_svc.acct_stats_type TLV in the subscriber services Python script must be set to a value different from 1 (Off) to enable subscriber service instance accounting. For example:

# Python example - Accounting only subscriber service
service = []
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.operation, sub_svc.operation_add)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service,, 'subsvc-acct-1')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.type, 'acct-only')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.type_conflict_action, sub_svc.type_conflict_
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.acct_stats_type, 2)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.acct_interval, 3600)

The volume counters for subscriber service statistics type volume-time contain the aggregate forwarded octets and packets of the parent PPPoE or IPoE session sla-profile instance from the start of the subscriber service.