Change of authorization and disconnect-request

In a typical RADIUS environment, the network element serves as a RADIUS client, which means the messages are originated by a routers. In some cases, such as mid-session changes, it is desirable that the RADIUS server initiates a CoA request to impose a change in policies applicable to the subscriber, as defined by RFC 3576.

To configure a RADIUS server to accept CoA and Disconnect Messages is achieved in one of the following ways:

  1. Configure up to 64 RADIUS CoA servers per routing instance:

         server "coa-1" address secret <shared-secret> hash2 create

    This is the preferred method.

  2. Configure up to 16 RADIUS CoA servers per authentication policy.


    The UDP port for CoA and Disconnect Messages is configurable per system with the command:

        radius-coa-port {1647|1700|1812|3799}

There is a priority in the functions that can be performed by CoA. The first matching one is performed:

There are several reasons for using RADIUS initiated CoA messages:

  1. Changing ESM attributes (SLA or subscriber profiles) or queues/policers/schedulers rates of the specific subscriber host. CoA messages containing the identification of the specified subscriber-host along with new ESM attributes.

  2. Changing (or triggering the change) of IP configuration of the specified subscriber-host. CoA messages containing the identification of the specified subscriber-host along with VSA indicating request of FORCERENEW generation.

  3. Configuring new subscriber-host. CoA messages containing the full configuration for the specific host.

If the changes to ESM attributes are required, the RADIUS server sends CoA messages to the network element requesting the change in attributes included in the CoA request:

As a reaction to such message, the router changes the ESM settings applicable to the specified host.

If changes to the IP configuration (including the VRF-ID in the case of wholesaling) of the specified host are needed, the RADIUS server may send a CoA message containing VSA indicating request for FORCERENEW generation:

As a reaction to a message, router generates a DHCP FORCERENEW message for the specified subscriber host. Consequently, during the re-authentication, new configuration parameters can be populated based on attributes included in Authentication-response message. The force-NAK attribute has the same function as the Force-Renew attribute, but causes the BNG to reply with a NAK to the next DHCP renew. This invalidates the lease state on the BNG and force the client to completely recreate its lease, making it possible to update parameters that cannot be updated through normal CoA messages, such as IP address or address pool.

If the configuration of the new subscriber-host is required, RADIUS server sends a CoA message containing VSA request new host generation along with VSAs specifying all required parameters.

After executing the requested action, the router element responds with an ACK or NAK message depending on the success/failure of the operation. In case of failure (and then, a NAK response), the element includes the error code in accordance with RFC 3576 definitions if an appropriate error code is available.

Supporting CoA messages has security risks as it essentially requires action to unsolicited messages from the RADIUS server. This can be primarily the case in an environment where RADIUS servers from multiple ISPs share the same aggregation network. To minimize the security risks, the following rules apply:

In all cases (creation, modification, force-renew) subscriber host identification attributes are mandatory in the CoA request: ‟NAS-Port-Id + IP” or ‟Acct-Session-Id” or ‟Alc-Subsc-ID-Str” or ‟user-name”.

When there are no subscriber host identification attributes present in the CoA, the message is NAK’d with corresponding error code.

The properties of an existing RADIUS-authenticated PPPoE session can be changed by sending a Change of Authorization (CoA) message from the RADIUS server. Processing of a CoA is done in the same way as for DHCP hosts, with the exception that only the ESM settings can be changed for a PPPoE session (the Force-Renew attribute is not supported for PPPoE sessions and a Create-Host CoA always generates a DHCP host).

For terminating PPPoE sessions from the RADIUS server, the disconnect-request message can be sent from the RADIUS server. This message triggers a shut down of the PPPoE session. The attributes needed to identify the PPPoE session are the same as for DHCP hosts.