Displaying the content of a denylist

The content of a denylist along with the remaining time that each entity is confined to the denylist can be displayed with the following command:

show router <id> l2tp peer blacklisted|not-blacklisted|selectable 

The following displays denylist information.

show router l2tp peer
Peer IP:
Roles capab/actual: LAC LNS /LAC  -     Draining          : false
Tunnels           : 1                   Tunnels Active    : 0
Sessions          : 1                   Sessions Active   : 0
Reachability      : blacklisted         Time Unreachable  : 01/31/2013 08:55:06
Time Blacklisted  : 01/31/2013 08:55:06 Remaining (s)     : 34
Conn ID                      Loc-Tu-ID Rem-Tu-ID State              Ses Active
  Group                                                             Ses Total
977207296                    14911     0         closed             0
  base_lac_base_lns                                                 1
No. of tunnels: 1

show router l2tp tunnel detail
L2TP Tunnel Status
Connection ID: 831782912
State        : closedByPeer
IP           :
Peer IP      :
Tx dst-IP    :
Rx src-IP    :
Name         : lac
Remote Name  :
Assignment ID: t1
Group Name   : base_lac_base_lns
Acct. Policy : l2tp-base
Error Message: N/A
                                        Remote Conn ID    : 4294901760
Tunnel ID         : 12692               Remote Tunnel ID  : 65535
UDP Port          : 1701                Remote UDP Port   : 1701
Preference        : 50                  Receive Window    : 64
Hello Interval (s): 300
Idle TO (s)       : 5                   Destruct TO (s)   : 60
Max Retr Estab    : 5                   Max Retr Not Estab: 5
Session Limit     : 32767               AVP Hiding        : sensitive
Transport Type    : udpIp               Challenge         : never
Time Started      : 01/31/2013 08:56:58 Time Idle         : 01/31/2013 08:56:58
Time Established  : N/A                 Time Closed       : 01/31/2013 08:56:58
Stop CCN Result   : reqShutDown         General Error     : noError
Blacklist-state   : blacklisted
Blacklist Time    : 01/31/2013 08:56:58 Remaining (s)     : 49
No. of tunnels: 1