Fast failure detection for ESM dynamic BGP peers using BFD

BGP peer failure detection is by default based on the keep-alive and hold time. For cases where fast failure detection is needed, a BFD session can be used to control the operational state of the BGP peer. Fast failure detection for ESM dynamic BGP peers using BFD is supported for IPoE and PPPoE subscribers. It is not supported for L2TP LNS subscribers.

BFD for ESM dynamic BGP peers is enabled in the bgp-peering-policy in classic CLI.

    bgp-peering-policy "bgpv4-policy-1" create
        local-as 65536
        peer-as 65501
        type external

BFD for ESM dynamic BGP peers is enabled in the BGP peering policy in MD-CLI.

[pr:/configure subscriber-mgmt]
    bgp-peering-policy "bgpv4-policy-1" {
        bfd-liveness true
        peer-as 65501
        type external
        local-as {
            as-number 65536

The parameters for the BFD sessions must be configured on the group interface or retail subscriber interface in classic CLI.

    bfd 100 receive 100 multiplier 3
        bfd 100 receive 100 multiplier 3

The parameters for the BFD sessions must be configured on the group interface or retail subscriber interface in MD-CLI.

[pr:/configure service vprn "submgmt-vprn-2000" subscriber-interface "sub-int-1" group-interface "group-int-1-1"]
    ipv4 {
        bfd {
            admin-state enable
            transmit-interval 100
            receive 100
            multiplier 3

    ipv6 {
        bfd {
            admin-state enable
            transmit-interval 100
            receive 100
            multiplier 3

The BFD session is always established as a single hop BFD session and therefore fast-failure detection using BFD works for single hop ESM dynamic BGP peers only. The local address for the BGP peer must be a local IPv4 or IPv6 address configured on the subscriber interface.

To verify the state of the BFD session, use the show commands in the following output examples:

A:pe2# show router 2000 bfd session
  Session Id = Interface Name | LSP Name | Prefix | RSVP Sess Name | Service Id
  wp = Working path   pp = Protecting path
BFD Session
Session Id                                        State      Tx Pkts    Rx Pkts
  Rem Addr/Info/SdpId:VcId                      Multipl     Tx Intvl   Rx Intvl
  Protocols                                        Type     LAG Port     LAG ID
  Loc Addr                                                             LAG name
group-int-1-1                                        Up      3077793    3077716                                          3          100        100
  bgp                                               iom          N/A        N/A
group-int-1-1                                        Up      2988250    2988469
  2001:db8:b002:201::aaa:1                            3          100        100
  bgp                                               iom          N/A        N/A
No. of BFD sessions: 2

A:pe2# show router 2000 bfd session dest 2001:db8:b002:201::aaa:1 src 2001:db8:b002:201::1
BFD Session
Remote Address : 2001:db8:b002:201::aaa:1
Local Address  : 2001:db8:b002:201::1
Admin State    : Up                       Oper State       : Up
Protocols      : bgp
Rx Interval    : 100                      Tx Interval      : 100
Multiplier     : 3                        Echo Interval    : 0
Recd Msgs      : 2988898                  Sent Msgs        : 2988679
Up Time        : 2d 16:46:10              Up Transitions   : 1
Down Time      : None                     Down Transitions : 0
                                          Version Mismatch : 0
Forwarding Information
Local Discr    : 23                       Local State      : Up
Local Diag     : 0 (None)                 Local Mode       : Async
Local Min Tx   : 100                      Local Mult       : 3
Last Sent      : 08/23/2021 08:18:43      Local Min Rx     : 100
Type           : iom
Remote Discr   : 19                       Remote State     : Up
Remote Diag    : 0 (None)                 Remote Mode      : Async
Remote Min Tx  : 100                      Remote Mult      : 3
Remote C-flag  : 1
Last Recv      : 08/23/2021 08:18:43      Remote Min Rx    : 100

The following events are generated for a BFD protected ESM dynamic BGP peer.