Flexible creation of DHCPv4/6 host parameters

One of the facilities for flexible creation and assignment of subscriber host parameters is through Python scripting.

There are two models that allow assignment of the subscriber hosts parameters based on the Python processing, one without the utilizing the internal cache (DTC) and the other with the internal cache (DTC).

Parameters (ESM strings, IP addresses, and so on) present in the DTC have priority over any other source that is providing overlapping parameters when it comes to ESM processing. In other words, if the same parameter is provided by DTC (Python), LUDB and RADIUS, the one provided by DTC is in effect. This prioritization occur automatically without any additional CLI.

For example, if the IPv4 address is provided by DTC during DHCP Discovery processing, then the mode of operation for this host is proxy-to-dhcp (ESM terminates DHCP, without going to the server), regardless of whether the IP address is also provided by LUDB or RADIUS.

This functionality is supported for DHCPv4/DHCPv6 hosts.