
ESM lockout is supported for dual-stack PPPoE hosts, L2TP LAC hosts, dual-stack IPoE hosts, and ARP hosts. ESM Lockout tracks the following:

During lockout, authentication and ESM host creation is suppressed. A lockout context is created when a client first enters lockout. The context maintains state and timeout parameters for the lockout. If a lockout policy is configured for the underlying SAP for a host that has failed authentication or host creation, the host enters lockout for the configured minimum time (1 to 86400 seconds). When the lockout time expires, normal authentication and ESM host creation is resumed on relevant PPP or DHCP messages. In case of another failure, the host again enters the lockout state. The lockout time for the host on each failure is exponentially increased up to the configured maximum time (1 to 86400 seconds). The lockout time for a client is reset to the configured minimum value, and the corresponding lockout context is deleted, if there is no authentication (and host creation) failure within a configured amount of time that needs to elapse after the client initially enters lockout. This time is called the lockout-reset-time.

The host identification for lockout includes <SAP, MAC@, circuit ID, remote ID>.