Graceful service termination

RFC 4006, Diameter Credit Control Application, specifies a graceful service termination mechanism using the Final-Unit-Indication to indicate that an Answer message contains the final units for the service. When the final units are consumed, the action is specified with the Final-Unit-Action AVP.

Final-Unit-Indication ::= < AVP Header: 430 >
          { Final-Unit-Action } 
         *[ Restriction-Filter-Rule ]     
         *[ Filter-Id ]    
          [ Redirect-Server ]

In SR OS, with the Final-Unit-Action AVP = TERMINATE, the subscriber host or session is disconnected. With the Final-Unit-Action = REDIRECT or RESTRICT_ACCESS, the out-of-credit-action as specified in the credit-control-policy or category-map is executed. In the case of REDIRECT, the URL specified in the Redirect-Server AVP is used when IPv4 HTTP redirect is enabled as the out of credit action and the following conditions are met:

In all other cases, the URL specified in the Redirect-Server-Address AVP is ignored and the configured URL is used if HTTP redirect is enabled as the out of credit action.

The Restriction-Filter-Rule and Filter-Id AVPs included in the Final-Unit-Indication AVP are ignored.

Use the following show commands to find the active URL when an out-of-credit-action change-service-level is triggered that includes an IPv4 HTTP redirect action in the credit control ingress IP filter entries: