IPoE session migration

This section is only applicable when enabling IPoE sessions on a group interface with active subscriber hosts. When there are no active subscriber hosts on a group interface, there is no need for a migration. Use one of the following CLI commands to determine if there are active hosts on a group interface:

By default, IPoE sessions are disabled on a group interface (ipoe-session shutdown). Enabling IPoE sessions on a group interface with active subscriber hosts starts a migration process and should be planned carefully to allow a seamless migration.

A migration is required because of the nature of IPoE sessions: a single authentication is performed for all hosts (IP stacks) of a dual-stack end device. All hosts (IP stacks) in an IPoE session share the same MAC address, SAP, and optionally Circuit-ID / Interface-ID or Remote-ID which are configured as the session-key in the ipoe-session-policy. To determine if hosts (IP stacks) belong to a single session, a new trigger packet is required to obtain the session key.

To guarantee a correct IPoE session configuration and a correct authentication database, the migration is performed when the host state is renewed, and a new trigger packet is received:

The duration of a migration is therefore dependent on the lease times for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 hosts and for IPoE linked SLAAC hosts. If possible, the lease times could temporarily be reduced to a couple of hours to facilitate the migration process.

The actual migration is started by the arrival of a new trigger packet of an IP stack (host) that is not associated with an IPoE session. The IPoE session key is composed of the data in the trigger packet (MAC address and SAP, by default). If an IPoE session exists for the obtained IPoE session key, the corresponding session data is used for authentication. If no IPoE session exists for the obtained IPoE session key, authentication is performed, and based on the result, a new IPoE session is created. The old host state is deleted from the system and a trap is sent to indicate that this host is being migrated. A new host (IP stack) is created and associated with the IPoE session. When RADIUS accounting is enabled, this may result in an accounting start and stop depending on the accounting mode. For host accounting, an accounting stop is followed immediately by an accounting start. For queue instance accounting, an accounting stop is generated when the last host associated with the queue instance is migrated. An accounting start is generated when the first host is associated with the IPoE session.

The following notes must be considered for the migration procedure:

Example high-level migration steps.

Important notes:

  1. Using the CLI commands described at the beginning of this section, check if an IPoE session migration is applicable. A migration is not required when there are no active subscriber hosts on the target group interfaces.

  2. Check if all preconditions are met:

    1. There are no conflicting requirements with IPoE sessions such as ARP host support on the same group interface or local user database authentication based on option 60. Check the Notes section above for a list of possible conflicts.

    2. IPoE session configuration is complete on the group interfaces and corresponding capture-sap: ipoe-session-policy (session-key) and on the optional local user database. On the group interfaces, the IPoE session limits should be configured as needed using the session-limit and sap-session-limit commands.

    3. Authentication servers are up to date to provide all required authentication data for a single dual-stack end device based on single authentication (for example, return both IP address and IPv6 prefix in a proxy scenario).

    4. Accounting servers are ready to deal with accounting stop/start when hosts migrate to an IPoE session.

  3. Take a snapshot of the active hosts before the migration. Use the commands as described above. The following command provides a summary view: tools>dump>router <router-instance>ipoe-session>migration>interface <group-int-name>

  4. Start the migration by enabling an IPoE session on the group interface and for MSAPs, by enabling an IPoE session on the capture SAP.

  5. Monitor the progress during migration. Review the events (for example, by using the show log log-id 99 command) and check the number of hosts migrated with the CLI command:

    tools>dump>router <router-instance>ipoe-session>migration>interface <group-int-name>

    The following event is generated when a host is deleted because of a migration:

    4 2015/06/29 19:37:57.47 UTC WARNING: SVCMGR #2559 Base IPoE session "IPoE session migration deleted host 2001:db8:2:101::1 on SAP 1/1/4:1201.2 in service 1000"

    2 2015/06/29 19:37:29.41 UTC WARNING: SVCMGR #2559 Base IPoE session "IPoE session migration deleted host on SAP 1/1/4:1201.2 in service 1000"

    DHCP lease states and SLAAC host states associated with IPoE sessions can be found with:

    show service id <service-id> dhcp4 lease-state interface <group-int-name> session ipoe

    show service id <service-id> dhcp6 lease-state interface <group-int-name> session ipoe

    show service id <service-id> slaac host interface <group-int-name> session ipoe

    The migration is finished when all hosts are associated with an IPoE session. The counters in the column ‟Non IPoE session” should be all zero. For example:

    # tools dump router ipoe-session migration interface group-int-1-1
     Type session               Total     IPoE session     Non IPoE 
     Group-interface: group-int-1-1 (IPoE session enabled)
     DHCPv4              16384     16384            0
     DHCPv6              16384     16384            0
     SLAAC               4096      4096             0
     IPoE sessions       20480
  6. Perform post migration steps. For example, verify that the number of users before and after the migration are in the same order of magnitude (users may connect and disconnect during the migration). Enable session accounting if required.