In a Layer 2 environment, a malicious subscriber could create a denial-of-service (DoS) attack by sending Ethernet frames, with as source MAC address the address of a gateway (for example, the IP next hop upstream). As MAC learning is typically enabled, this would move the learned gateway MAC from the uplink SAP or SDP to the subscriber’s SAP, causing all communication to the gateway to be disrupted. If a local content server is attached to the same VPLS, a similar attack could be launched against it.
Communication between subscribers can be disallowed using Split Horizon Groups, but this by itself is not enough to prevent such an attack. The solution is to create a mechanism to explicitly protect some MAC addresses against being relearned on other SAPs.
The mac-protect feature on the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR allows a list of special MAC addresses to be configured in a VPLS. Two checks can then be made on incoming packets against these protected MAC addresses:
[no] auto-learn-mac-protect
Used to enable the automatic protection of source MAC addresses learned on the associated object. MAC protection is used in conjunction with restrict-protected-src, restrict-unprotected-dst and mac-protect. When this command is applied or removed, the MAC addresses are cleared from the related object.
Used to prevent DoS attacks. If the source MAC address of a packet from a subscriber matches a protected entry, it is probable that this subscriber tried to impersonate the gateway or server. If no parameter is specified, such packets are discarded, a trap is generated, and the SAP on which it arrived is placed operationally down. If the alarm-only parameter is specified, the packet is forwarded, and an alarm is generated but the source MAC is not learned. If the discard-frame parameter is specified, the packet is discarded and an alarm generated.
Used to force traffic from subscribers to only go toward a few defined destinations (the gateways or servers). Any packet from a subscriber whose destination MAC address does not match a protected entry is discarded.