Mixing hosts with auto-generated IDs and non-auto-generated IDs

Hosts with different sub-id names but identical auto-sub-id keys are not linked into the same subscriber. Such scenarios can arise with hosts with the same auto-sub-id keys but different methods for obtaining the sub-id name. For example, one host relying on auto-generated sub-id name while the other is using explicit configuration methods (sap-id, string, RADIUS or LUDB). If the auto-generated sub-id name and explicit sub-id name are the same, the host is tied into the same subscriber.

For example:

The default auto-sub-id for the following two hosts are <mac, sap-id>.

Host X on SAP 1/1/1:1 with MAC 00:00:00:00:00:01 obtains sub-id through RADIUS.

Host Y on SAP 1/1/1:1 with MAC 00:00:00:00:00:01 has sub-id auto-generated.

Regardless of which host comes up first, those two hosts at the end belong to different subscribers if their sub-ids are different.