PCC rules in a subscriber service

The example below shows a pseudo-language representation of PCC rules in a subscriber service.

subscriber-service {
    name = <subsvc name>
    operation = add | delete
    acct-stats-type = off | volume-time | time
    acct-interval = <value>
    type = <string>
    type-conflict-action = keep-old | keep-new | none
    pcc-rule { 
        name = <name>
        direction = ingress | egress
        flow = <5-tuple> | <dscp>
        flow = <5-tuple> | <dscp>
        flow = <5-tuple> | <dscp>
        action = <action>
        action = <action>
        action = <action>
        precedence = <value>
        policer {
            parent-arbiter = <arbiter-name>
            parent-level = <level>
            parent-weight = <weight-level>
            mbs = <bytes | default>
            cbs = <bytes | default>
            stat-mode = <stat-mode>
            packet-byte-offset = <offset>
    pcc-rule { 
        name = <name>
        direction = ingress | egress
        flow = <5-tuple> | <dscp>
        flow = <5-tuple> | <dscp>
        flow = <5-tuple> | <dscp>
        action = <action>
        action = <action>
        action = <action>
        precedence = <value>
        policer {
            parent-arbiter = <arbiter-name>
            parent-level = <level>
            parent-weight = <weight-level>
            mbs = <bytes | default>
            cbs = <bytes | default>
            stat-mode = <stat-mode>
            packet-byte-offset = <offset>

The sub_svc.pccrule TLV in the subscriber services Python script adds a PCC rule to the subscriber service, as shown in the output example below:

Actual values are used to populate the subscriber service data structure in this example; typically, these values are sent as parameters in subscriber service-specific VSAs.

# Python example - PCC rules subscriber service
service = []
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.operation, sub_svc.operation_add)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.name, 'subsvc-pccrule-1')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.type, 'pccrule')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.type_conflict_action, sub_svc.type_conflict_
flow_i = []
sub_svc.flow.add_to_flow(flow_i, sub_svc.flow.dst_ip, '')
rule_i = []
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.name, 'pcc-rule-1-i')
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.precedence, 10)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.direction, sub_svc.pccrule.direction_ingress)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.flow, flow_i)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.qos_action_rate_limit_pir, 10
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.qos_action_account, True)
flow_e = []
sub_svc.flow.add_to_flow(flow_e, sub_svc.flow.src_ip, '')
rule_e = []
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_e, sub_svc.pccrule.name, 'pcc-rule-1-e')
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_e, sub_svc.pccrule.precedence, 10)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_e, sub_svc.pccrule.direction, sub_svc.pccrule.direction_egress)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_e, sub_svc.pccrule.flow, flow_e)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_e, sub_svc.pccrule.qos_action_rate_limit_pir, 5000)
sub_svc.pccrule.add_to_pccrule(rule_i, sub_svc.pccrule.qos_action_account, True)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.pccrule, rule_i)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.pccrule, rule_e)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.acct_stats_type, 2)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.acct_interval, 3600)

In the above subscriber service example, two PCC rules are installed, each with one flow:

Subscriber service instance volume-time accounting is enabled. The volume counters include the forwarded octets and packets of the dynamic policers installed for the above rules and count the traffic matching the flows.

The counters reported in PCC rule-based subscriber services RADIUS accounting are determined by the PCC rule QoS account action.

PCC rule-based subscriber services are not stored in the subscriber-mgmt persistency file.