Per-home pool management and L2-Aware NAT

This feature allows the provisioning of a DHCP pool per home in a vRGW context. The addresses in a per-home pool are unique, so local bridging can occur within the home functions. Devices in different homes can, however, be allocated the same address. L2-Aware NAT is then used to handle address translation and connectivity toward the network and between homes. Per-home default gateway, subnet, and address range (out of which addresses are allocated to home devices) can be configured via the CLI. The address range can be overridden from RADIUS. The subnet associated with the home pool must be within the configured L2-Aware inside subnet. L2-Aware source NAT can optionally be combined with destination NAT to support enhanced traffic redirection (such as for stateful DNS overwrite function). More details on network address translation forwarding can be found in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice Integrated Service Adapter and Extended Services Appliance Guide. In addition to the IPv4 addresses from the home pool, the following hosts can be set up: