Multicast traffic over subscribers in a per-SAP replication mode flows through a SAP queue which is outside of the subscriber queues context. Sending the multicast traffic over the default SAP queue is characterized by:
the inability to classify multicast traffic into separate subscriber queues and therefore include it natively in the subscriber HQoS hierarchy; however, multicast traffic can be classified into specific (M-)SAP queues, assuming that such queues are enabled by (M-)SAP based QoS policy
redirection of multicast traffic by internal queues in case the SAP queue in subscriber environment is disabled (sub-sla-mgmt>single-sub-parameters>profiled-traffic-only); this is applicable only to 1:1 subscriber model
a possible necessity for HQoS Adjustment as multicast traffic is flowing outside of the subscriber queues
de-coupling of the multicast forwarding statistics from the overall subscriber forwarding statistics obtained by subscriber specific show commands