Python Language and Programmable Subscriber Configuration Policy

Python Language and Programmable Subscriber Configuration Policy (PSCP) is an identification mechanism using the Python scripting language. The PSCP references a Python script that can use regular expressions to derive the sub-ident-string, sub-profile-string and sla-profile-string from the DHCP response. A tutorial of regular expressions is beyond the scope of this guide, and can be found on the Internet (see

A tutorial of Python is beyond the scope of this guide but can be found on the Internet (see

Example scripts, using some regular expressions, can be found in Sample Python Scripts. See the Python Script Support for ESM section for more information about the service manager scripting language.

One or more scripts can be written by the operator and stored centrally on a server (in a location accessible by the router). They are loaded into each router at bootup.

Note that if a centrally stored script is changed, it is not automatically re-loaded onto the router. The reload must be forced by executing the shutdown and no shutdown commands on the affected URLs.