The scripts in this section are test scripts and not scripts that the operator would normally use. from alc import dhcp
def print_field(key, value):
print '%-8s = %r' % (key, value)
def ipaddr2a(ipaddr):
return '%d.%d.%d.%d' % (
(ipaddr & 0xFF000000) >> 24, (ipaddr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16, (ipaddr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8, (ipaddr & 0x000000FF))
print_field('htype', dhcp.htype) print_field('hlen', dhcp.hlen) print_field('hops', dhcp.hops) print_field('flags', dhcp.flags) print_field('ciaddr', ipaddr2a(dhcp.ciaddr)) print_field('yiaddr', ipaddr2a(dhcp.yiaddr)) print_field('siaddr', ipaddr2a(dhcp.siaddr)) print_field('giaddr', ipaddr2a(dhcp.giaddr)) print_field('chaddr', dhcp.chaddr) print_field('sname', dhcp.sname) print_field('file', dhcp.file) print_field('options', str(dhcp.options))