RADIUS-based accounting

When a router is configured to perform RADIUS-based accounting, at the creation of a subscriber-host, it generates an accounting-start packet describing the subscriber-host and sends it to the RADIUS accounting server. At the termination of the session, it generates an accounting-stop packet including accounting statistics for a specified host. The router can also be configured to send an interim-accounting message to provide updates for a subscriber-host.

The exact format of accounting messages, their types, and communication between client running on the routers and RADIUS accounting server is described in RFC 2866, RADIUS Accounting. The following describes a few specific configurations.

To identify a subscriber-host in accounting messages different RADIUS attributes can be included in the accounting-start, interim-accounting, and accounting-stop messages. The inclusion of the individual attributes is controlled by the following commands.

        radius-accounting-policy <name>
                [no] acct-authentic
                [no] acct-delay-time
                [no] called-station-id
                [no] calling-station-id
                [no] circuit-id
                [no] delegated-ipv6-prefix
                [no] dhcp-vendor-class-id
                [no] framed-interface-id
                [no] framed-ip-addr
                [no] framed-ip-netmask
                [no] framed-ipv6-prefix
                [no] framed-route
                [no] framed-ipv6-route
                [no] ipv6-address
                [no] mac-address
                [no] nas-identifier
                [no] nas-port
                [no] nas-port-id
                [no] nas-port-type
                [no] nat-port-range
                [no] remote-id
                [no] sla-profile
                [no] sub-profile
                [no] subscriber-id
                [no] tunnel-server-attrs
                [no] user-name
                [no] wifi-rssi
                [no] alc-acct-triggered-reason
                [no] access-loop-options
                [no] all-authorized-session-addresses
                [no] detailed-acct-attributes
                [no] std-acct-attributes
                [no] v6-aggregate-stats

RADIUS volume accounting attributes are depending on the type of volume reporting and can be controlled with an include-radius-attribute CLI command. Multiple volume reporting types can be enabled simultaneously:

        radius-accounting-policy <name>
                [no] detailed-acct-attributes
                [no] std-acct-attributes
                [no] v6-aggregate-stats


detailed-acct-attributes — Report detailed per queue and per policer counters using RADIUS VSAs (enabled by default). Each VSA contains a queue or policer ID followed by the stat-mode or 64 bit counter. The VSA’s included in the Accounting messages is function of the context (policer or queue, stat-mode, MDA type, and so on):

[26-6527-107] Alc-Acct-I-statmode

[26-6527-127] Alc-Acct-O-statmode

[26-6527-19] Alc-Acct-I-Inprof-Octets-64

[26-6527-20] Alc-Acct-I-Outprof-Octets-64

[26-6527-21] Alc-Acct-O-Inprof-Octets-64

[26-6527-22] Alc-Acct-O-Outprof-Octets-64

[26-6527-23] Alc-Acct-I-Inprof-Pkts-64

[26-6527-24] Alc-Acct-I-Outprof-Pkts-64

[26-6527-25] Alc-Acct-O-Inprof-Pkts-64

[26-6527-26] Alc-Acct-O-Outprof-Pkts-64

[26-6527-39] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Inprof-Octets-64

[26-6527-40] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Outprof-Octets-64

[26-6527-43] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Inprof-Pkts-64

[26-6527-44] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Outprof-Pkts-64

[26-6527-69] Alc-Acct-I-High-Octets-Drop_64

[26-6527-70] Alc-Acct-I-Low-Octets-Drop_64

[26-6527-71] Alc-Acct-I-High-Pack-Drop_64

[26-6527-72] Alc-Acct-I-Low-Pack-Drop_64

[26-6527-73] Alc-Acct-I-High-Octets-Offer_64

[26-6527-74] Alc-Acct-I-Low-Octets-Offer_64

[26-6527-75] Alc-Acct-I-High-Pack-Offer_64

[26-6527-76] Alc-Acct-I-Low-Pack-Offer_64

[26-6527-77] Alc-Acct-I-Unc-Octets-Offer_64

[26-6527-78] Alc-Acct-I-Unc-Pack-Offer_64

[26-6527-81] Alc-Acct-O-Inprof-Pack-Drop_64

[26-6527-82] Alc-Acct-O-Outprof-Pack-Drop_64

[26-6527-83] Alc-Acct-O-Inprof-Octs-Drop_64

[26-6527-84] Alc-Acct-O-Outprof-Octs-Drop_64

[26-6527-91] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Inpr-Pack-Drop_64

[26-6527-92] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Outpr-Pack-Drop_64

[26-6527-93] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Inpr-Octs-Drop_64

[26-6527-94] Alc-Acct-OC-O-Outpr-Octs-Drop_64

[26-6527-108] Alc-Acct-I-Hiprio-Octets_64

[26-6527-109] Alc-Acct-I-Lowprio-Octets_64

[26-6527-110] Alc-Acct-O-Hiprio-Octets_64

[26-6527-111] Alc-Acct-O-Lowprio-Octets_64

[26-6527-112] Alc-Acct-I-Hiprio-Packets_64

[26-6527-113] Alc-Acct-I-Lowprio-Packets_64

[26-6527-114] Alc-Acct-O-Hiprio-Packets_64

[26-6527-115] Alc-Acct-O-Lowprio-Packets_64

[26-6527-116] Alc-Acct-I-All-Octets_64

[26-6527-117] Alc-Acct-O-All-Octets_64

[26-6527-118] Alc-Acct-I-All-Packets_64

[26-6527-119] Alc-Acct-O-All-Packets_64


Report IPv4 and IPv6 aggregated forwarded counters using standard RADIUS attributes (disabled by default):

[42] Acct-Input-Octets

[43] Acct-Output-Octets

[47] Acct-Input-Packets

[48] Acct-Output-Packets

[52] Acct-Input-Gigawords

[53] Acct-Output-Gigawords


Report IPv6 aggregated forwarded counters of queues and policers in stat-mode v4-v6 using RADIUS VSAs (disabled by default):

[26-6527-194] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input-Packets

[26-6527-195] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input-Octets

[26-6527-196] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Input-GigaWords

[26-6527-197] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output-Packets

[26-6527-198] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output-Octets

[26-6527-199] Alc-IPv6-Acct-Output-Gigawords

In addition to accounting-start, interim-accounting, and accounting-stop messages, a RADIUS client on a routers also sends accounting-on and accounting-off messages. An accounting-on message is sent when a specific RADIUS accounting policy is applied to a specified subscriber profile, or the first server is defined in the context of an already applied policy. The following attributes included are in these messages:

Accounting-off messages are sent at following events:

These messages contain following attributes:

In case of dual homing, both nodes send RADIUS accounting messages for the host, with all attributes as it is locally configured. The RADIUS log files on both boxes need to be parsed to get aggregate accounting data for the specified subscriber host regardless the node used for forwarding.

For RADIUS-based accounting, a custom record can be defined to refine the data that is sent to the RADIUS server. See the ‟Configuring an Accounting Custom Record” in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide for further information.