Separate IPv4 and IPv6 counters

IPv4 and IPv6 forwarded and dropped subscriber traffic can be counted separately by a stat-mode v4-v6 command that is configured as a policer or queue qos override in the sla-profile. The stat-mode v4-v6 command is only applicable for Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM).

configure subscriber-mgmt
        sla-profile "sla-profile-1" create
                qos 10
                    queue 1
                        stat-mode v4-v6
                    policer 1
                        stat-mode v4-v6
                qos 10
                    queue 1
                        stat-mode v4-v6
                    policer 1
                        stat-mode v4-v6

For policers, the stat-mode command overrides the policer stat-mode configuration as defined in the sap-ingress or sap-egress qos policy. For information about sap-ingress and sap-egress policer stat-mode, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Quality of Service Guide. For a policer in stat-mode v4-v6, following counters are available:

When a policer’s stat-mode is changed while the SLA profile is in use, any previous counter values are lost and any new counters are set to zero.

For queues, a stat-mode is only available for use in Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) context to enable separate IPv4/IPv6 counters. For a queue in stat-mode v4-v6, following counters are available:

A queue’s stat-mode cannot be changed while the SLA profile is in use.

There are no in-profile or out-of-profile forwarded and dropped counters for policers and queues in stat-mode v4-v6.

Non-IP traffic (for example PPPoE LCP frames) is counted against the IPv4 counters.

The separate IPv4 and IPv6 forwarded and dropped counters are reported in

show service active-subscribers detail
- - - snip - - -
SLA Profile Instance statistics
                        Packets                 Octets

Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Off. LowPrio          : 1102685                 1102685000
Off. Uncolor          : 0                       0
Off. Managed          : 0                       0

Queueing Stats (Ingress QoS Policy 10)
Dro. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Dro. LowPrio          : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0
Dro. V4               : 0                       0
Dro. V6               : 0                       0
For. V4               : 367543                  367543000
For. V6               : 735142                  735142000

Queueing Stats (Egress QoS Policy 10)
Dro. InProf           : 0                       0
Dro. OutProf          : 0                       0
For. InProf           : 0                       0
For. OutProf          : 0                       0
Dro. V4               : 0                       0
Dro. V6               : 0                       0
For. V4               : 367543                  367543000
For. V6               : 735088                  735088000

SLA Profile Instance per Queue statistics
                        Packets                 Octets

Ingress Queue 1 (Unicast) (Priority) (Stats mode: v4-v6)
Off. HiPrio           : 0                       0
Off. LowPrio          : 1102685                 1102685000
Dro. V4               : 0                       0
Dro. V6               : 0                       0
For. V4               : 367545                  367545000
For. V6               : 735146                  735146000

Egress Queue 1 (Stats mode: v4-v6)
Dro. V4               : 0                       0
Dro. V6               : 0                       0
For. V4               : 367547                  367547000
For. V6               : 735096                  735096000

SLA Profile Instance per Policer statistics
                        Packets                 Octets

Ingress Policer 1 (Stats mode: v4-v6)
Off. V4               : 0                       0
Off. V6               : 0                       0
Dro. V4               : 0                       0
Dro. V6               : 0                       0
For. V4               : 0                       0
For. V6               : 0                       0

Egress Policer 1 (Stats mode: v4-v6)
Off. V4               : 0                       0
Off. V6               : 0                       0
Dro. V4               : 0                       0
Dro. V6               : 0                       0
For. V4               : 0                       0
For. V6               : 0                       0