Show commands

To display the active subscriber services in the system, use the show service sub-services CLI command. The sub-service-name filter is a longest match.

# show service sub-services [id <service-id>] [sap <sap-id>] [ip <ip-prefix/prefix-length>] [mac <ieee-address>] [pppoe-session-id <pppoe-session-id>] [sub-service-name <sub-service-name>] [sub-service-type <sub-service-type>] [summary|associations]

Sample output:

# show service sub-services
Subscriber service table
Username        :
Subscriber      :                     Type     : PPP
SAP             : 1/1/4:1201.5                         Service  : 1000
MAC Address     : 00:51:00:00:01:01                    PPPoE-SID: 114
IP              :
Interface-ID    : 02:51:00:FF:FE:00:01:01
  Service instance : rate-limit;5120;30720
  up time          : 0d 00:05:23
  type             : rate-limit
  acct sess id     : 144DFF00000A2556B757DA
  multi sess id    : 144DFF00000A1156B71E44
  acct type        : volume-time
  acct ivl         : 1d 00:00:00
  input octets     : 0
  input packets    : 0
  output octets    : 0
  output packets   : 0
  actions          :
    ingress arbiter "root" rate 5120
    egress aggregate rate limit 30720
number of subscriber services found: 1

To display the active PCC rules in the system, use the show service active-subscribers pcc-rule CLI command. A PCC rule can be inactive when, for example, a PCC rule with filter actions on IPv6 flows is activated on an IPv4single-stack PPPoE or IPoE session.

# show service active-subscribers pcc-rule [subscriber <sub-ident-string>] [detail]

Sample output:

# show service active-subscribers pcc-rule subscriber "ipoe-bridged-001" detail
Active Subscribers
Subscriber ipoe-bridged-001 (sub-profile-1)
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:[1/1/4:1201.19] - sla:sla-profile-1
IP Address
                MAC Address          Session        Origin       Svc        Fwd
                00:51:00:00:00:05    IPoE           DHCP6        1000       Y
Ingr Filter Override     : N/A
Egr  Filter Override     : N/A
Ingr Qos Policy Override : 10:P10
Egr  Qos Policy Override : 10:P9
Precedence Rule Id   Rule Name                Subscriber Service Name
10         19        rule-1                   subsvc_pcc-coa-1
10         20        rule-2                   subsvc_pcc-coa-1
PCC Rules
PCC rule name         : rule-1
PCC rule id           : 19
Monitoring key        : -
Flow status           : Enabled
Nbr of Flows          : 2 (ingress)
HTTP-Redirect         : -
Next-Hop Redir. IPv4  : -
Next-Hop Redir. IPv6  : -
QoS Ingr. CIR/PIR     : - / 1000 kbps
QoS Egr. CIR/PIR      : - / -
FC change             : -
Account               : Enabled
Src. IP  : any                                    Src. Port: -
Dst. IP  :                          Dst. Port: -
Protocol : -                                      DSCP     : -
Src. IP  : any                                    Src. Port: -
Dst. IP  : 2001:db8:aaa:1::1/128                  Dst. Port: -
Protocol : -                                      DSCP     : -
PCC rule name         : rule-2
PCC rule id           : 20
Monitoring key        : -
Flow status           : Enabled
Nbr of Flows          : 2 (egress)
HTTP-Redirect         : -
Next-Hop Redir. IPv4  : -
Next-Hop Redir. IPv6  : -
QoS Ingr. CIR/PIR     : - / -
QoS Egr. CIR/PIR      : - / 5000 kbps
FC change             : -
Account               : Enabled
Src. IP  :                          Src. Port: -
Dst. IP  : any                                    Dst. Port: -
Protocol : -                                      DSCP     : -
Src. IP  : 2001:db8:aaa:1::1/128                  Src. Port: -
Dst. IP  : any                                    Dst. Port: -
Protocol : -                                      DSCP     : -

Use the following alternative command to check the PCC rules in the system:

# show subscriber-mgmt pcc-rule
  - pcc-rule
  - pcc-rule monitoring-key <key> detail
  - pcc-rule rule-id <id> detail
  - pcc-rule rule-name <rule-name>
  - pcc-rule rule-name <rule-name> detail
  - pcc-rule summary
  - pcc-rule monitoring-key <key>
 <rule-name>          : [100 chars max]
 <key>                : [80 chars max]
 <id>                 : [1..1023]
 <detail>             : keyword

The statistics of dynamic policers can be displayed with:

# show service active-subscribers subscriber "ipoe-bridged-001" detail
--- snip ---
SLA Profile Instance per Policer statistics
                        Packets                 Octets
--- snip ---
Ingress Policer 10 (Stats mode: minimal)
used by pcc-rule rule-1
Off. All              : 0                       0
Dro. All              : 0                       0
For. All              : 0                       0
--- snip ---

The details of the cloned QoS and filter policies as a result of PCC rule activation can be displayed with the following show commands:

# show qos sap-ingress 10:P1
# show qos sap-egress 10:P1
# show filter ip 10:P1
# show filter ipv6 "10:P1"