Standard and Enhanced Subscriber Management

The system can switch between standard and enhanced subscriber management modes on a per SAP basis. The ESM mode is supported on the SR-7 and SR-12 chassis and on the ESS-7 chassis.

Some functions are common between the standard and enhanced modes. These include DHCP lease management, static subscriber host definitions and anti-spoofing. While the functions of these features may be similar between the two modes, the behavior is considerably different.

When the enhanced mode is enabled on a SAP (see Subscriber SAPs), first, the router ensures that existing configurations on the SAP do not prevent correct enhanced mode operation. If any one of the following requirements is not met, enhanced mode operation is not allowed on the SAP:

When the router successfully enables the enhanced mode, the current dynamic subscriber hosts are not touched until a DHCP message event occurs that allows re-population of the dynamic host information. Thus, over time, the dynamic subscriber host entries are moved from SAP-based queuing and SAP-based filtering to subscriber-based queuing and filtering. If a dynamic host event cannot be processed because of insufficient resources, the DHCP ACK message is discarded and the previous host lease information is retained in the system.