Subscriber service instance activation or deactivation with optional RADIUS accounting

When the SRĀ OS receives an Alc-Sub-Serv-Internal VSA [26-6527-155] in an Access-Accept or CoA message as a result of the Python script sub_svc.commit_service() function, the corresponding subscriber services are activated or deactivated. Optionally, an accounting session can be started for each subscriber service instance.

The following is an example of the show service sub-services command.

# show service sub-services
Subscriber service table
Username        :
Subscriber      :                     Type     : PPP
SAP             : 1/1/4:1201.5                         Service  : 1000
MAC Address     : 00:51:00:00:01:01                    PPPoE-SID: 114
IP              :
Interface-ID    : 02:51:00:FF:FE:00:01:01
  Service instance : rate-limit;5120;30720
  up time          : 0d 00:01:06
  type             : rate-limit
  acct sess id     : 144DFF00000A2556B757DA
  multi sess id    : 144DFF00000A1156B71E44
  acct type        : volume-time
  acct ivl         : 1d 00:00:00
  input octets     : 0
  input packets    : 0
  output octets    : 0
  output packets   : 0
  actions          :
    ingress arbiter "root" rate 5120
    egress aggregate rate limit 30720
number of subscriber services found: 1

The following rules apply for a subscriber service instance.