Transport mechanism

Data is transported by a UDP socket. The destination IP address, the destination port and the source IP address are configurable. The default UDP source and destination port number is 1037.

Upon the arrival of an IGMP event, the Exporter allocates a buffer for the packet (if not already allocated) and starts writing the events into the buffer (packet). Along with the initial buffer creation, a timer is started. The trigger for the transmission of the packet is either the TX buffer being filled up to 1400B (hard coded value), or the timer expiry, whichever comes first.

The source IP address is configurable within GRT (by default system IP), and the destination IP address can be reachable only by GRT. The source IP address is modified in the system>security>source-address>application CLI hierarchy.

The receiving end (the collector node) collects the data and process them according to the formatting rules defined in this document. The capturing and processing of the data on the collector node is outside of the context of this description.

The processing node should have sufficient resources to accept and process packets that contain information about every IGMP state change for every host from a set of network BRASes that are transporting data to this collector node.

Multicast Reporter traffic is marked as BE (all 6 DSCP bits are set to 0) exiting our system.