Tunnel denylists

A tunnel spec (that evaluates into a tunnel) is temporary unusable if that corresponding peer or the tunnel is denylisted. The following events trigger placement of the tunnel into the denylist:

  1. Explicit termination of the L2TP session that is in the process of being established within this tunnel. The following CDN Result Codes places a tunnel to a denylist (text in parenthesis are CLI keywords that enable specific Result Codes as triggers and [rx,tx] is direction of the messages from the LAC perspective):

    • 02 DisconnectedSeeErrorCode, rx (cdn-err-code)

    • 04 TempMissingFacilities, rx (cdn-tmp-no-facilities)

      Transmit CDN when no session can be allocated

      Audit not yet complete

    • 05 PermanentMissingFacilities, rx (cdn-perm-no-facilities)

      No result code available

    • 06 InvalidDestination, rx (cdn-inv-dest)

      Tunnel is not usable (for example, lns-group is not configured on LNS)

    • 10 NotEstablishedInAllotedTime, tx (tx-cdn-not-established-in-time)

  2. Explicit termination of the L2TP tunnel in the process of establishment by Stop-CCN Result-Codes:

    • (1) General request to clear control connection, rx (stop-ccn-other)

    • (2) General error, rx (stop-ccn-err-code)

    • (4) Requester is not authorized to establish a control channel, rx, tx (stop-ccn-other)

    • (5) Protocol version not supported, rx, tx (stop-ccn-other)

    • (6) Requester is being shut down, rx (stop-ccn-other)

Error messages identified by the received Result-Codes can be interpreted as the inability of the LNS to accept additional L2TP sessions within the tunnel (for example because of resource depletion) or to accept additional new tunnels.

The following statements further describe behavior related to the placement of tunnels into the denylist:

When the end-point is not in the routing table (unreachable through routing), the end-point is marked as permanently unavailable (removed from the L2TP process). Such end-point is never denylisted.