Configuring a BMP station

BMP stations are configured at a top-level configuration context (config>bmp). A BMP station can then monitor BGP in the base router, or in one or more virtual routers for VPRN services. For each instance of BGP, a separate BMP TCP session is set up between the router and that BMP station. A total of eight different BMP stations can be configured on an SR OS router.

The following command creates a BMP station:

config>bmp>station station-name [create]

config>bmp>station antwerp [create]

This creates a BMP station named antwerp. The station name must be used when configuring BGP peers to be monitored by this station. The name can also be used in the show>router>bmp CLI commands to display associated information.

The next step is to configure how this station can be reached. To do this, the IP address of the Linux station, or container, on which the BMP collector is run is required. Also, the TCP port number on which the BMP station is listening is needed. BMP does not use a well-known port number.

The following is an IP address and port number configuration for a BMP station:

configure bmp
  station antwerp create
      station-address port 5000

This creates a BMP station that can monitor one or more BGP peers.

Next, assign the BGP peers to be monitored.

configure router bgp
    station antwerp
    no shutdown

All peers in the BGP instance of the base router are now monitored by station antwerp. The router only sends BMP peer-up and peer-down messages to the BMP station. Sending periodic statistics messages, or reporting incoming BGP routes must be explicitly configured.