The host system can use the dynamic uplink resiliency mechanism to automatically manage uplink resiliency assignments. Through this mechanism, the host dynamically assigns a primary and secondary uplink for each satellite access port. Depending on the configuration options specified, the uplinks (primary and secondary) can be distributed over one or two FP forwarding engines.
When using dynamic uplink resiliency, the primary and secondary uplink assignments are re-evaluated each time an uplink on a satellite becomes operationally up. This is done to rebalance uplink assignments for optimal distribution. The secondary uplink assignment is also re-evaluated each time an uplink on a satellite goes operationally down.
Uplinks are assigned to achieve fair distribution based on the following criteria:
FP distribution
MDA distribution
connector distribution
This feature requires that the Ethernet satellite is running 7210 SR OS 20.9.R1 or later.
The following is an example of a dynamic uplink resiliency configuration:
[ex:/configure satellite]
A:admin@node-2# info
ethernet-satellite 1 {
admin-state enable
sat-type es48-1gb-sfp
dynamic-uplink true
uplink-distribution dual-complex
config>system>satellite# info
eth-sat 1 create
sat-type es48-1gb-sfp
dynamic-uplink true
uplink-distribution dual-complex
no shutdown