Configuring a channel group

The following shows an example of a DS1 channel group configured for CES:

A:sim216#  show port 1/5/  
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 1/5/                                              
TimeSlots          : 1-12                                                      
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16         
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up         
Last State Change  : 10/31/2006 14:23:12     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 580943940  
Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : cem        
Admin MTU          : 4112                    Oper MTU             : 4112       
Physical Link      : Yes                     Bundle Number        : none       
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : default    
Egr. Sched. Pol    : n/a                                                       