Using the tree command

The tree command displays the command tree under the present working context, excluding the present working context element. Hierarchy is indicated with a pipe (|), and a "+-- " separator precedes each element. The tree output is in alphabetical order of elements.

[ex:/configure system security aaa remote-servers]
A:admin@node-2# tree
+-- apply-groups
+-- apply-groups-exclude
+-- ldap
|   +-- admin-state
|   +-- apply-groups
|   +-- apply-groups-exclude
|   +-- public-key-authentication
|   +-- server
|   |   +-- address
|   |   |   +-- apply-groups
|   |   |   +-- apply-groups-exclude
|   |   |   +-- port
|   |   +-- admin-state
|   |   +-- apply-groups
|   |   +-- apply-groups-exclude
|   |   +-- bind-authentication
|   |   |   +-- password
|   |   |   +-- root-dn
|   |   +-- search
|   |   |   +-- base-dn
|   |   +-- server-name
|   |   +-- tls-profile
|   +-- server-retry
|   +-- server-timeout
|   +-- use-default-template
+-- radius
|   +-- access-algorithm
|   +-- accounting
|   +-- accounting-port
|   +-- admin-state
|   +-- apply-groups
|   +-- apply-groups-exclude
|   +-- authorization
|   +-- interactive-authentication
|   +-- port
|   +-- route-preference
|   +-- server
|   |   +-- address
|   |   +-- apply-groups
|   |   +-- apply-groups-exclude
|   |   +-- secret
|   +-- server-retry
|   +-- server-timeout
|   +-- use-default-template
+-- tacplus
    +-- accounting
    |   +-- record-type
    +-- admin-control
    |   +-- tacplus-map-to-priv-lvl
    +-- admin-state
    +-- apply-groups
    +-- apply-groups-exclude
    +-- authorization
    |   +-- use-priv-lvl
    +-- interactive-authentication
    +-- priv-lvl-map
    |   +-- apply-groups
    |   +-- apply-groups-exclude
    |   +-- priv-lvl
    |       +-- apply-groups
    |       +-- apply-groups-exclude
    |       +-- user-profile-name
    +-- route-preference
    +-- server
    |   +-- address
    |   +-- apply-groups
    |   +-- apply-groups-exclude
    |   +-- port
    |   +-- secret
    +-- server-timeout
    +-- use-default-template
A:admin@node-2# tree
+-- admin
|   +-- clear
|   |   +-- security
|   |       +-- lockout
|   |       |   +-- all
|   |       |   +-- user
|   |       +-- password-history
|   |           +-- all
|   |           +-- user
|   +-- disconnect
|   |   +-- address
|   |   +-- session-id
|   |   +-- session-type
|   |   +-- username
|   +-- nat
|   |   +-- save-deterministic-script
|   +-- reboot
|   |   +-- now
|   +-- redundancy
|   |   +-- force-switchover
|   |   |   +-- now
|   |   +-- synchronize
|   |       +-- boot-environment
|   |       +-- configuration
|   +-- save
|   |   +-- bof
|   |   +-- configure
|   |   +-- debug
|   |   +-- li
|   +-- set


Using the flat option

The flat option displays the command hierarchy under the present working context on one line, excluding the present working context element.

A:admin@node-2# tree flat
admin clear
admin clear security
admin clear security lockout
admin clear security lockout all
admin clear security lockout user
admin clear security password-history
admin clear security password-history all
admin clear security password-history user
admin disconnect
admin disconnect address
admin disconnect session-id
admin disconnect session-type
admin disconnect username
admin nat
admin nat save-deterministic-script
admin reboot
admin reboot now
admin redundancy
admin redundancy force-switchover
admin redundancy force-switchover now
admin redundancy synchronize
admin redundancy synchronize boot-environment
admin redundancy synchronize configuration
admin save


Using the detail option

The detail option displays all key and field values in the output on every line.

A:admin@node-2# tree detail
+-- admin
|   +-- clear
|   |   +-- security
|   |       +-- lockout
|   |       |   +-- all
|   |       |   +-- user <string>
|   |       +-- password-history
|   |           +-- all
|   |           +-- user <string>
|   +-- disconnect
|   |   +-- address <ipv4-address | ipv6-address>
|   |   +-- session-id <number>
|   |   +-- session-type <keyword>
|   |   +-- username <string>
|   +-- nat
|   |   +-- save-deterministic-script
|   +-- reboot
|   |   +-- <keyword>
|   |   +-- now

The flat and detail options can be combined in any order.

A:admin@node-2# tree flat detail
admin clear
admin clear security
admin clear security lockout
admin clear security lockout all
admin clear security lockout user <string>
admin clear security password-history
admin clear security password-history all
admin clear security password-history user <string>
admin disconnect
admin disconnect address <ipv4-address | ipv6-address>
admin disconnect session-id <number>
admin disconnect session-type <keyword>
admin disconnect username <string>
admin nat
admin nat save-deterministic-script
admin reboot
admin reboot <keyword>
admin reboot now
admin redundancy
admin redundancy force-switchover
admin redundancy force-switchover now
